(August 5, 2010) What Does President Saunders Think? part 25 Let’s be clear about Saunders’ testimony. William
contradicted his accusations against Dr. DePree. Saunders relied on the letter from Williams to punish Dr. DePree for
his speech. When Williams testified – under oath – that the statements made by him were not true, Saunders did not
know when those statements made under oath would become a factor in deciding when to stop punishing Dr. DePree.
How difficult is it to believe that a responsible, competent University President does not know when she’ll consider
sworn testimony which contradicts a letter that Saunders relies on to justify spending millions of dollars to punish the
speech of Professor DePree.
(August 6, 2010) 31st & Pearl Rainbows and Butterflies USM president Martha Saunders may have been living on
summer time the past few weeks, but the 600 or so USM faculty she supervises have likely been fretting the possibility
of being among the potentially 100 USM faculty who will be losing their jobs after 2010-11 as a result of the coming $15
million cut in the institution’s budget.
(August 8, 2010) What Does President Saunders Think? part 26 Martha-in-Wonderland? Is President Saunders a true
solipsist? Everything and everyone exists only in her mind? If itfs true that you exist only in her mind, then you have
access to her thoughts, if any, and her reasoning, if any. So, what's in there? Anything?
(August 10, 2010) What Does President Saunders Think? part 27 Remember that some of Professor DePree’s accusers
had been caught copying other’s ideas and words “without proper citation”—Charlie Jordan’s phrase to describe his
participation. Dr. Jordan and his friends attacked Dr. DePree and other colleagues who initially brought the potential
misconduct to the attention of those who copied “without proper citation”—Charlie Jordan among them.
(August 8, 2010) Sound Off [8-Aug-2010] A reader recently sent a note stating – “Thought you’d like to
see this. The language is absurd.” An e-mail from the USM administration was included (and referenced). That e-mail
is inserted below: