(October 20, 2009) “Fair Share” Giver Martha Saunders Everyone loves a cheerful giver, Martha. You sure looked
cheerful in trying to boost United Way contributions. You proudly said you are a “Fair Share” giver. According to the
United Way of Southeast Mississippi 2009 - 2010 Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide, a fair share giver is
someone who donates one hour of pay per month for a year.
(October 22, 2009) A quote from Martha Saunders on her Twitter account: “Sometimes you have to look reality in the
eye, and deny it.” – Keillor (8:39 AM Sep 13th from web [Editor's note: following
publication of her comment on, Dr. Saunders "protected her tweets" from prying eyes.
(October 26, 2009) Re-arranging the Deck Chairs Nice job, Martha. We have been expecting this. When in doubt, look
busy with (you hope) important-sounding busy work to spin into “great news at Southern Miss”. This is a president’s
version of re-organizing departments for a new dean; it is something only you can do, no one can stop you, it is a
resume filler, and usually amounts to very little positive gain.
(November 2, 2009) IT’S NOT THEIR MONEY! The Hattiesburg American, November 1, 2009, reported: “Mayor
Johnny DuPree says that the city subsidizes about $800,000 of the zoo’s annual $1.2 million budget…” I can’t help but
wonder, how many teachers, police, or firefighters could we support with $800,000?
(November 5, 2009) IT’S NOT THEIR MONEY! Why do Mississippi legislators and its governor use taxpayer dollars to
support the USM Foundation when the Foundation is not subject to public accountability? Taxpayers pay hundreds of
thousands in salaries, pension contributions, benefits as well as other operating expenses of the Foundation. The
Foundation Director, who is a state employee, reports to and is evaluated by USM President Saunders.
(November 6, 2009) ITS NOT THEIR MONEY! What do President Saunders’ expenditure of taxpayer/student money
to buy a $1.89 million dollar airplane for her personal convenience and Mayor DuPree’s spending city taxpayer dollars
to buy an old church for $3 million before deciding on its use have in common? We know both purchases were made
during a severe recession marked by substantial revenue shortfalls. But is that all?