(February 18, 2009) Town Meeting Highlights: Martha Re-Visits Herself Interesting comparisons... All Southern
Miss constituents are seeking more and better information about what you are going to do about all this, Martha;
posting excerpts from your Town Meeting is not helpful. Most were there or watched on a live feed; there are links
to watch you in many locations. Leaders lead. Stop brooding about being questioned about your precious airplane.
Take positive measures and stop being so aloof.
(February 26, 2009) “a personnel issue” Documenting the Return to the Relationship Between Adams & Reese and
USM The relationship between Mississippi law firm Adams & Reese and the University of Southern Mississippi
dates at least as far back as to the Shelby F. Thames administration of USM (2002-07). The Thames administration
often used the firm to supplement the legal work being done for the University by USM legal counsel Lee Gore and
then-USM risk manager Jack Hanbury. The relationship has continued well into the Martha D. Saunders
administration (2007-present), and it has dealt primarily with an anonymous “personnel issue” since Aug-07, if not
before. The payments submitted to Adams & Reese from USM (through Mississippi’s IHL Board) since that time
(Aug-07) are shown in Table 1 below.
(March 7, 2009) Readers Think "Major" by Duane Cobb On 6-Mar-09, the Martha Saunders
administration of USM sent the following "Media Advsisory" to local/statewide media: Media Advisory: Southern
Miss to Make Major Announcement
(March 10, 2009) (March 11, 2009 reader responds and a 31st & Pearl Bonus!) Wag the Dog Redux? A Reader’s Take
on President Saunders’ Major Announcement of March 10, 2009 On March 10, 2009, USM President Martha D.
Saunders called the USM community together, press included, for a major announcement. That announcement
turned out to be a donation to the University of $6 million, $5 million of which will be devoted to student
scholarships, with, according to staffers at The Hattiesburg American, the remaining $1 million “. . . going to
strategic initiatives.” Saunders told those same THA staffers that the gift, which came anonymously, is “. . . the
single largest cash gift ever received by the university.” Finally, regarding the anonymity of the donor, Saunders
remarked: “We cannot answer questions about the motivations or interests of the giver.”