(October 8, 2008) I’m Every Woman "Breaking the Veils" at the Hattiesburg Depot Wow. I bet the sorority blog readers
are reaching for their hankies. It appears clear that the summer books are completed and the fall books have not yet
arrived. Nothing to dress up for, nothing to judge; these must truly be trying times for you, Martha. Chin up.
(October 16, 2008) CoB News, 16 October 2008 New Jack CoB? The now one-year old CoB News, 9 October 2007 story
entitled New Jack CoB described just how dicey things in the CoB got during the Harold Doty and Alvin Williams
administrations of USM’s College of Business. Now, it appears as though the bad things have gotten worse and have
spread out across USM’s campus in general. That indication comes from the 14-Oct-08 bulletin from USM public safety
officials (shown below) alerting the USM family to an armed robbery that occurred at Seymour’s in the R.C. Cook Union
(October 24, 2008) GH Chatter Some CoBers (and USMers) have pointed out that it was interesting that USM president
Martha Saunders spoke to the press shortly after the Auditor's report was released, saying that she was relieved that the
episode was over. Well, the episode was in many ways only beginning at that point. The lack of sophistication of
Saunders' statement was of interest to some, as was the idea that it was strange of Saunders to insert herself into the
episode. Some are now speculating that Saunders' (possibly temporary) relief may have stemmed from the fact that she
fears further fallout in the way of increased taxpayer scrutiny of public officials' use of state funds.
(October 30, 2008) Seven Questions Interviews with Current/Former CoB Faculty about Life in and Outside the CoB This
is a series here at where current and former CoB profs are interviewed by Their
answers to seven questions promise to be both informative and interesting. Let’s throw seven questions at a current
CoBer: Q1. Do you think USM President Martha Saunders supports (1) a centralized higher ed board or (2) individual
boards of trustees for Mississippi’s eight public universities?
(October 30, 2008) CoB News, 30 October 2008 Thriller? Even at a salary approaching $0.5 million per year, USM
president Martha Saunders found time recently to move (sort of) to “Thriller” at USM’s Payne Center.
(November 4, 2008) Fedora Gets the High-Hat Treatment from the President? The offense scores 70 points, the defense
gives up few points, a big win for Homecoming, and nothing on Martha’s blog. Maybe the week of festivities leading up
to the game was too much of a “Thriller” for her. Maybe she is telling Coach Fedora what she thinks of his first season.
Stay tuned for Aunt Martha’s next installment of silence.