(September 15, 2008) CoB News, 15 September 2008 Priorities With a USM co-ed in the intensive care unit at Forrest
General Hospital who is being treated for alcohol poisoning as a result of an on-campus hazing incident, it is
difficult to believe that USM President Martha Saunders could turn to relaxation and enjoyment. But, if her
8-Sept-08 blog is any indication, that is exactly what she did two weekends ago by traveling to USM's football game
at Auburn.
(September 16, 2008) USM's Next Controversy? A New Look at the Fraternity House Hazing Incident Near the end
of the 5-Sept-08 press conference regarding the recent fraternity house hazing incident on the campus of USM, a
reporter informed USM officials that the mother of the hazing victim, Melanie Besancon of Waveland, told her (the
reporter) that the Kappa Sigma fraternity event, during which the hazing episode occurred, also involved the USM
chapter of Kappa Delta sorority. Without hesitation, both Joseph Paul, USM Vice President of Student Affairs, and
Martha Saunders, USM President, denied the charge.
(September 24, 2008) CoB News, 24 September 2008 View from the Luxury Suite With USM’s 27-34 loss to Marshall
University on Saturday, the “Golden Eagle Nation” has grown anxious about the Golden Eagles’ new head coach,
Larry Fedora. Saturday’s loss made for two firsts in USM gridiron history: (1) USM had never lost to a Conference
USA opener before Saturday, and (2) USM had never lost to Marshall University before Saturday. These two firsts
were seen by new USM President, Martha Saunders, from her luxury suite in the south end zone of M.M. Roberts
Stadium in Hattiesburg. While Fedora’s USM mantra has been “Sound the Attack!”, with the recent loss to MU
many USM fans are now chanting “Sound the Retreat!”
(September 25, 2008) Since you asked, Martha Fall Convocation Today What more fun could you hope to have on a
fine fall afternoon? Since you asked how about some real information on important issues, and not just trite societal
pap? Can you ever put down your pompons and discuss issues or inform your constituents? How are the searches
for three deans progressing? How many academic programs do you intend to phase-out? Was there any major
hurricane damage? What do you think of Fedora’s job performance? Just curious.