For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Saunders please click here.
(July 5, 2009) See Saunders Equivocate To hear USM president Martha Saunders tell it, the parking fee increase facing USM students in 2009-10 – the one that The Hattiesburg American reported on in late June-09 – is not even a done deal yet, even though it really is. What are we referencing here? Saunders' recent (and latest) "Dear Faculty and Staff" communiqué, inserted below, wherein she states (in the very first paragraph) "we have put off making final decisions".
(July 10, 2009) COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY/STAFF AT USM "... USM Forum-- To build trust, a team and a campus - Message Board -> Saunders / Public Relations, July 10, 2009 ... The only reason President Saunders sent the email regarding parking several weeks ago is because several faculty/staff got on our "soap boxes". I for one emailed her directly. Open communication is a must for any administrator, dean, director, etc..." Southern Bell
(July 12, 2009) Oh Panama! USM president Martha Saunders' 10-July-09 blog about her recent visit to Panama is one for the surreal column. Her week-long trip across the Gulf, during a economic/budgetary crisis no less, is one for the ages. Now, however, the "USM family" is beginning to detect cracks in the Saunders administration's armor. For time being at least those cracks come across to them (the "USM family") as public relations shortcomings.
(July 14, 2009) Martha's Memo USM constituents are having a fear fest of sorts regarding the diminishing level of communication from USM president Martha Saunders, a so-called communications specialist. Reporters at thought it might be helpful to provide readers with a copy of the early July-09 memo sent by Saunders that details USM's latest response to the 2008-10 budget crisis facing the state. That memo is the source of some of the concern currently being articulated by various USM constituencies.
(July 23, 2009) This is Leading? Budget Rumors ... When there is a “strong likelihood that programs will be cut”, why is athletics immune from consideration? Southern Miss loves its sports, but there is a new reality in town: money is in short supply and some things covered and excused cannot now be so. Being president is not just wearing a tiara; do something. How about asking those donors who gave money to get rid of Coach Bower?...
(July 23, 2009)Accreditors Beckon USM faculty are now posting on the USM Forum – Message Board that, based on discussions with USM administration, academic programs that fall victim to the current budgetary crisis do not have to be supported beyond the year in which the cuts are made. This means that stories about funding the programs until their current students graduate are inaccurate.