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(September 10, 2008) Economoney A Look at the 2008-09 Salaries in ECO Continuing recent reports examining some of the financials in the CoB's economics unit, this report presents the 2008-09 salaries for all of the CoB-H's economics faculty. These data, which come from the 2008-09 USM Budget Book, are shown below in Table 1.
(September 11, 2008) Help a Guy Out 10 Retirements that Would Make the CoB Better and Nail’s Job Easier by Duane Cobb To hear some tell it, by accepting Martha Saunders’ invitation to govern the CoB, new dean Lance Nail has walked into a snake pit-like situation. Though the problems in USM’s business school are both vast and deep, they are not insurmountable. However, Nail’s job would be made a lot easier if a number of CoB faculty who are thought to be in the “retirement window” would sign the necessary PERS acceptance papers and exit stage left. This essay lists the top 10 CoB faculty fitting this description. It provides some narrative as to why these ten were both chosen and ordered as they are here.
(October 24, 2008) Perks for Buds XX Springtime for Ed Old George Carter hands his publisher another fine schedule for the 2009 spring semester. Ed Nissan has 3 classes, but all are in 3-hour blocks, rather than in the traditional two-day schedule. This gets Ed a teaching schedule that covers only Monday afternoon and night, and Tuesday afternoon. Everyone does not get that option.