For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Niroomand, please click here.
(September 22, 2006) Black Tuesday in the CoB: A Call for Sanctions "On August 29, 2006, the Department of Economics, Finance, and International Business (EFIB) held its annual faculty governance vote during the first departmental faculty meeting of the academic year, as is the custom in the department. The first meeting had been planned for August 25, 2006; however, the anticipated length and tone of the college (College of Business (CoB)) faculty meeting made this impractical. The screen shot below represents the actual email sent to departmental faculty by George Carter, chairman of EFIB...".
(September 22, 2006) Special Report "Dinner with Colleague(s)" An Investigative Series on the use of the CoB's Budget "This Special Report takes a look at a recent stack of paperwork obtained by usmpride.com investigators involving several meals that CoB Associate Dean Farhang Niroomand has had with various "colleagues." The parties involved, and the purpose of these meals, is not spelled out by Niroomand on any of his reimbursement forms. It seems as though Niroomand's thinking is that simply using the word "colleague(s)" makes any meal expenditure legitimate...".
(September 23, 2006) Special Report Niroomand & Doty "Recruiting" in Vegas An Investigative Series on CoB Faculty Travel "This Special Report examines some documents turned over to usmpride.com that indicate that CoB Dean Harold Doty and CoB Associate Dean Farhang Niroomand traveled to Las Vegas in June of 2006 in order to "recruit new Tourism Management faculty." After the Spring of 2006, the CoB's Tourism Management Department was devastated by faculty departures...".
(September 23, 2006) Special Report Niroomand Drops it like it's Hot An Investigative Series on CoB Faculty Travel "This Special Report examines the details of CoB Associate Dean Farhang Niroomand's trip to Berlin (in March of 2006) to attend the 61st Annual International Atlantic Economic Society Conference. The screen below shows the top portion of Niroomand's Employee Travel Voucher regarding this trip:...".
(September 23, 2006) Special Report Remember Niroomand's Trip to the Alamo! An Investigative Series on CoB Faculty Travel "This Special Report analyzes the details of CoB Associate Dean Farhang Niroomand's April of 2006 trip to San Antonio for the Southwestern Social Science Association meeting. Niroomand's plans for that trip are detailed in the screen below:...".
(September 26, 2006) Is the Association for Global Business Really An Academic Organization? "The Association for Global Business’ Annual Meeting will be held on November 16-18, 2006 in Newport Beach, California. Individuals interested in participating were given guidance vis-à-vis the association’s website. Included in this guidance was the following statement...".