For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Niroomand, please click here.
(August 3, 2006) (updated August 4, 2006) Niroomand's Pots of Money "Based on our closer inspection of Niroomand's travel documents, the investigative team was amazed at the sheer number of accounts available for Niroomand to draw from. While most faculty have only one or two non grant related accounts to draw from (usually their departmental allotment and any available development monies), Niroomand has received reimbursement from eight non grant accounts. In total, Niroomand has drawn from nine accounts (or "pots" of money), numbered, named, and listed below...".
(August 3, 2006) Nov 2001, Niroomand Goes "Down Under" An Investigative Series on CoB Travel "This "Special Report" continues a multi-part examination of Employee Travel Vouchers in USM's College of Business. In this report, we examine the details of CoB Associate Dean Farhang Niroomand's (also Professor of Economics) November 2001 trip to Sydney, Australia...".
(August 3, 2006) 31st & Pearl CoB Airways "Every time we turn around Niroomand's travel expenses seem to rise like the red bar on a United Way Campaign Fund sign. The tab now sits at more than $24,000 over an 18-month period, give or take a week. Though a recent posting on usmpride.com ("Niroomand's Pots of Money") attributes roughly half of that total to Niroomand's grant, that still leaves over $12,700 in USM-funded travel during that time frame...".
(August 7, 2006) “Table for 14, please . . .” THE 2004 TRIP TO THE MISSISSIPPI BUSINESS HALL OF FAME On May 25, 2004, CoB Associate Dean Farhang Niroomand wrote the following letter to Mr. Joe Morgan, requesting assistance in the funding for a visit to Jackson made by Niroomand and Dean Harold Doty to attend the Laureate Induction Banquet at the Mississippi Business Hall of Fame. That event occurred on May 10, 2004.
(August 8, 2006) 31st & Pearl Musings on the 2006 CoB Raises "We've looked at the list several times now, and we still don't understand why the debacle now known as the CoB 2006 Raise Process took two days to complete. If you're just making stuff up, it ought to go a little faster than that...".
(August 8, 2006) The 40 Largest Single-Year Raises in USM’s College of Business, 1994-2006
(August 8, 2006) The 2006 Merit Raises as seen through USMPRIDE.COM Bytes