For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Monchuk, please click here.
(April 11, 2007) What Does a "C-Publication" Cost These Days? An Answer from a Surprise Found During the Production of "Jaw Dropper" A recent report published here at usmnews.net entitled "Jaw Dropper on the Horizon ... " delved into the news that EFIB Chair George Carter has informed members of the EFIB Department that (1) only research that is in print will count toward EFIB faculty.s annual reviews, tenure & promotion applications, and AQ status for AACSB, and (2) only research that falls within one's pre-specified field will count toward EFIB faculty's annual reviews, tenure & promotion applications, and AQ status for AACSB.
(May 11, 2007) Life on the EFIB Plantation Will George Carter’s “Your Field Only” Rule for EFIB Research be Applied Equally? The subtitle above is the question of the day in the EFIB, and perhaps only time will reveal the answer, if ever. While we wait, reporters at USMNEWS.NET have compiled several tables in order to draw some preliminary findings about how the EFIB’s untenured faculty look against Carter’s unwritten rule about publishing only in one’s field of expertise. The series of tables below report refereed journal articles since the turn of the century for all untenured tenure-track faculty in the EFIB who are expected to submit tenure dossiers in the CoB. The information on refereed journals articles is taken from each faculty’s Sedona vita (provided to USMNEWS.NET via a Mississippi Open Records Act request).
(August 5, 2007) The Case For the Dakhlia–Marvasti 2007 Merit Raise Gets Worse A USMNEWS.NET reader recently contacted our reporters about one of the analyses in our report “Did Dakhlia & Marvasti Hit the Powerball?” and offered a very useful suggestion. For readers who are not familiar with this report, it can be found at Did Dakhlia & Marvasti Hit the Powerball?.
(September 12, 2007) EFIB News, 12 September 2007 Is Shi Misplaced? A recent visit to the CoB's new web presence at www.usm.edu revealed some interesting news about visiting assistant professor of finance Weihua Shi. According to Shi's "blurb" on the website (inserted below), she has published an article in the International Business Review. The IBR, which is produced by Elsevier, is a high-quality IB journal,
(June 18, 2008) Special Report We Get by with a Little Help from Our Friend An Investigative Series on the Use of the CoB for Personal Gain This Special Report adds to other reports on the CoB's 2007-08 journal ranking process that have been appearing on the pages of USMNEWS.NET in recent days. As those reports indicat, this process was led by untenured assistant professor of economics, Sami Dakhlia, who chaired the CoB's journal ranking committee during the 2007-08 academic year. This particular report examines how the EFIB favorites benefited (or not) from Dakhlia's position on the journal ranking committee. All of the publications data presented in this report come from the EconLit database.