For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Malik, please click here.
(September 14, 2007) 31st & Pearl Why Such a Difficult Time? We've all heard it, over and over again. Harold Doty telling those assembled at USF in September of 2005: "I have a difficult time using State E&G dollars to supplement faculty salaries." We've heard it so many times that you might even believe it. Well, don't. The record shows there's nothing "difficult" about it -- using State E&G dollars to boost faculty salaries, that is.
(October 23, 2007) Special Report The EFIB’s “Quick-Strike Promotion & Raise” Program An Investigative Series on the Use of the CoB for Personal Gain Usmnews.net has received tips indicating that a high-ranking member of the CoB has gone on record in recent weeks describing the EFIB’s heretofore unmentioned policy of hiring faculty at low(er) ranks with the intention of promoting them quickly, a process that allows EFIB and CoB administrators to funnel additional monies to new economics, finance and international business faculty. According to sources contacted by usmnews.net about these tips, EFIB administrators have been making (in recent years) verbal agreements for what sources are referring to as “quick-strike promotions” with EFIB hires. Of course, these so-called “quick-strike promotions” are accompanied by raises anywhere from $4,000/year to $5,500/year.
(June 18, 2008) Special Report We Get by with a Little Help from Our Friend An Investigative Series on the Use of the CoB for Personal Gain This Special Report adds to other reports on the CoB's 2007-08 journal ranking process that have been appearing on the pages of USMNEWS.NET in recent days. As those reports indicat, this process was led by untenured assistant professor of economics, Sami Dakhlia, who chaired the CoB's journal ranking committee during the 2007-08 academic year. This particular report examines how the EFIB favorites benefited (or not) from Dakhlia's position on the journal ranking committee. All of the publications data presented in this report come from the EconLit database.

(October 14, 2008) Special Report Hub FINs An Investigative Series on CoB Faculty Research Credentials With a number of tenure and promotion decisions looming large in the finance section of the EFIB over the coming months, USMNEWS.net reporters are taking a look at the quality of the economics and finance research coming from the CoB’s FIN faculty.
(January 14, 2009) Perks for Buds XXIII Accountants in “Retreat” Dean Nail’s first retreat was, by all accounts, a huge success. Reports say the area with the biggest no-shows for Lance seemed to be Accounting. Bob Smith apparently was still in Atlanta. Where were Stan Clark and Mary Anderson? Aren’t they two of the reputed movers-and-shakers? Was this a message sent to Lance that Lance is not in charge? Perhaps it was continued outrage over Lance’s non-hiring of their favored candidate for director? Maybe it was apathy like it seemingly was for Hsieh, Chen, and Malik. [Editor's note: DePree wasn't invited.] If there are no consequences – and why would you expect any – it is just another example of Perks for Buds.