For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Jackson, please click here.
(November 25, 2007) GH Chatter It hasn't even been a full semester yet, but stories about Interim SAIS Director Steven Jackson's inability to live up to the job are making the rounds. Not only did the SAIS fail to have an Aug-07 faculty meeting in order to elect representatives to the Dean's Search Committee, as of late-Nov-07 the SAIS had yet to hold a vote on its P&T candidate(s).
(December 28, 2007) 2007 Christmas Gifts Steven Jackson The SAIS's new Interim Director closed out the year in absentia, which is much the same way he spent the fall semester of 2007. While other CoB administrators (e.g., Williams, Henthorne) were hard at work between the end of fall 2007 and Christmas, Jackson was MIA, as usual. It remains to be seen whether or not Jackson's clandestine efforts on behalf of the CoB will be rewarded with a permanent placement as SAIS Director.
(January 15, 2009) GH Chatter Word around Greene Hall is that SAIS Director, Steven Jackson, has devised a new set of research requirements for the corps of instruction in accounting. The new requirements are said to be separate from the existing CoB faculty handbook, Enhancing Faculty Productivity, and without any college-wide justification and approval, Jackson's decision looks to have created yet another legal snake pit for CoB administrators.
(January 22, 2009) Breaking News SAIS' Jackson All Over the Board on Travel Funds LONG BEACH – SAIS Director Steven Jackson's recent proclamation that the CoB's accounting faculty will now face a separate (from the rest of the CoB) set of research expectations surprised many CoB faculty outside of the SAIS. At the same time, part of Jackson's original plan -- announced just days ago -- likely came as a surprise to accountants in the SAIS. That part came with Jackson's statement that each accountant will have only up to $750/yr to spend on University-related travel. And, according to Jackson at least, this amount would be available only in the event that the particular faculty member participates in an academic conference or meeting.
(January 23, 2009) CoB Public Service Announcement ATTENTION CoB ACCOUNTING FACULTY KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Steven Jackson Attempting to Hose CoB Accountants!
(January 23, 2009) Special Report "Ad Hoc Jackson" An Investigative Series on CoB Faculty Research Credentials SAIS Director Steven Jackson's latest foray into top-down governance has resulted in new sets of research standards for the CoB's accounting faculty. In a directive Jackson refers to as "Internal Policy on Expectations for Faculty Evaluation of Research in the Accounting Unit of the SOAIS," Jackson radically alters, from the CoB's general standards, the requirements for the CoB's accountants to be viewed as successful when it comes to the evaluation of scholarly activity.