For more articles and editorials concerning evaluation, tenure and financial rewards, please click here.
(December 3, 2006) A Look at picaprof Grades in ACC (by Course)
(December 3, 2006) A Look at picaprof Grades in BA/ECO (by Course)
(December 3, 2006) What the MgtMkt Profs could Learn from the Instructors A recent report at USMPRIDE.COM showed some of the “easy grading” that occurs in management and marketing classes in USM’s CoB. A table from that report is shown below:
(December 6, 2006) Special Report A Jury of Your Peers? An Investigative Series on the CoB Advisory Committee’s Role in the Grievance Process "... In this installment, investigators examine some of the recent documentation about grading patterns in the CoB. In this case we look at those of marketing professor Elizabeth LaFleur. In the pick-a-prof grades analysis for marketing, LaFleur appears to be the CoB’s only “easy grader” in MKT 300. Evidence of that is shown below through an excerpt from that report:...".
(December 7, 2006) A Look at picaprof Grades in MIS (by Course)
(December 7, 2006) A Look at picaprof Grades in MKT (by Course)
(December 7, 2006) A Look at picaprof Grades in MGT (by Course)
(December 18, 2006) A Look at picaprof Grades in FIN/REI (by Course)
(December 18, 2006) The Top 150 Salaries Among USM’s Administrators, 2006-07
(December 20, 2006) Spotlighting Grade Inflation in the CoB Red Zone, Green Zone, Gray Zone: Grade Inflation Alert! Investigators at USMPRIDE are pleased to introduce part I in a new mini-series that will run over the next few weeks. In this issue, “Red Zone, Green Zone, Gray Zone . . .,” we use observations from ETS scores along with grading history data from the picaprof series available here at USMPRIDE to spotlight potential grade inflation in the CoB.
(December 23, 2006) Spotlighting Grade Inflation in the CoB The Sources of Possible Grade Inflation in the CoB In part II in this mini-series, we examine the grade inflation “zones” that were developed in the previous issue. We will go through the traditional business school units in the CoB alphabetically, beginning with ACC.
(January 3, 2006) Spotlighting Grade Inflation in the CoB Grade Inflation Watch Lists and GPA Management in MGT In part III of this series our investigators have compiled a list of the top grade inflation suspects in the CoB. To arrive at our list we used the technique for isolating grade inflation that was explained in the first two issues in this mini-series. This issue, the final one in this mini-series, concludes with additional analysis of the effects of grade inflation in one of the Red Zone academic units.