For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Doty, please click here.
(May 12, 2009) 31st & Pearl Blame it on the Ha . . . Ha . . Ha . . Ha . . . Ha . . . Harold Doty We don't need a Jamie Foxx hit song to know that the whole Cheri Becker meltdown that CoB administrators are now facing lies at the feet of former CoB dean Harold Doty. Doty, now the dean the College of Business & Technology at the University of Texas --Tyler, used the hiring of Becker a few short years ago simply to get in the craw of the Shelby Thames administration (2002-07) of USM.
(May 21, 2009) Dear USM news, Dear USMNEWS.NET, The story developing about Cheri Becker [being moved to MGT as a result of becoming unmanageable in TM] is no surprise to a number of us. If [former CoB dean Harold] Doty thought she was so great then he should hire her at his new gig [as dean of business at the University of Texas at Tyler]. How much do you want to bet that'll never happen?
(May 21, 2009) 31st & Pearl Envy Totals The recent three-part series comparing the new professional homes of former CoB administrators Harold Doty (former dean) and Farhang Niroomand (former associate dean) was enlightening for all. The first installment, Bullies & Playgrounds, reports data on the number of faculty in the business schools at University of Houston-Victoria, Niroomand's new home, and University of Texas-Tyler, Doty's new home.
(May 27, 2009) Doty Back on Top The College of Business & Technology at the University of Texas – Tyler has updated its main webpage. It now reflects the fact that former CoB dean D. Harold Doty is now its current dean by presenting the "Message from the Dean." There Doty lets UT-T constituents know that the CB&T was established in 2001, and that it was affirmed by the AACSB in November of 2007. Given the AACSB's new 5-year cycle, the b-schools at UT-T and USM will come up for reaffirmation in 2012 – USM in the spring and UT-T in the fall.
(June 8, 2009) Niroomand & Hudson Play a Little Game, While Doty Re-Works Message According to Thomas Doyle's 28-May-09 UH-V press release, Farhang Niroomand stepped aboard the School of Business Administration at the University of Houston – Victoria, as its new dean, on 1-June-09. That same release, entitled "Incoming dean leads by example in publishing papers before he starts," reveals a little game that Niroomand and UH-V president Tim Hudson, the former USM provost, a running on UH-V business faculty and UH-System administrators. It seems that Niroomand and Hudson are making a really big deal out of two published papers (by Niroomand and the CoB's Ed Nissan) on which Niroomand simply changed his institutional affiliation just prior to coming to UH-V on 1-June-09.