For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Doty, please click here.
(August 9, 2007) Let's Reward Doty's Bold Statements . . . Not! by Duane Cobb Remember the Special Report entitled "Just Where were Clark's CFS and Gunther's BBER?-- the one about the 412-point plunge of the Dow on 27-Feb-2007? That's the report wherein former CoB Dean Harold Doty's comments to Hattiesburg American reporters about the stocks plunge were discussed. In that report, Doty's comment about financial markets -- "Markets go up and markets go down" -- was discussed.
(August 16, 2007) 31st & Pearl 300 No, the title above does not refer to the 2006 Hollywood film about King Leonidas’ epic stand in the Battle of Thermopylae. Instead, it represents the number of students enrolled in (former CoB Dean) Harold Doty’s fall 2007 teaching schedule. Word is traveling around the CoB quickly these days about Doty’s fall 2007 schedule of three courses with two preps, and it seems that one of the three courses is a mass section of management principles – apparently the only one offered of its size – that already has 200+ students enrolled.
(August 21, 2007) Niroomand 1, Doty 0 The recent 31st & Pearl column entitled “300” spelled it out clearly – former CoB Dean Harold Doty does not appear to be getting any post-Dean royal treatment since joining the CoB’s regular-line faculty. As Duane Cobb said, after reading that column – “That’s a good thing. He [Doty] doesn’t deserve it.” However, former CoB Associate Dean Farhang Niroomand represents the other half of the “package deal” that was the CoB administrative resignation of 9 April 2007. How has the treatment of Niroomand been since he rejoined the CoB’s regular-line faculty? Or, better yet, how does the treatment of Doty compare to that of Niroomand? Reporters at USMNEWS.NET think readers will be intrigued by some of the results that were found when the “data” were examined.
(August 21, 2007) Niroomand 2, Doty 0 The recent 31st & Pearl column entitled “300” spelled it out clearly – former CoB Dean Harold Doty does not appear to be getting any post-Dean royal treatment since joining the CoB’s regular-line faculty. As Duane Cobb said, after reading that column – “That’s a good thing. He [Doty] doesn’t deserve it.” However, former CoB Associate Dean Farhang Niroomand represents the other half of the “package deal” that was the CoB administrative resignation of 9 April 2007. How has the treatment of Niroomand been since he rejoined the CoB’s regular-line faculty? Or, better yet, how does the treatment of Doty compare to that of Niroomand? Reporters at USMNEWS.NET think readers will be intrigued by some of the results that were found when the “data” were examined. The 2007 merit raises that were awarded to Doty and Niroomand are presented in Table 1 below.