For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Dakhlia, please click here.
(August 23, 2009) Dakhlia Joins the Chorus COB ECO FACULTY SPEAK TO THE HATTIESBURG AMERICAN ABOUT PLIGHT The CoB's economics faculty have officially gotten The Hattiesburg American in on the action over USM's decision to eliminate the economics majors and its 9 tenured/tenure-track faculty. In his 23-Aug-09 article entitled "USM professors upset by cuts proposal," THA higher education reporter Ed Kemp spoke to a number of USM officials about the proposed cuts, including several CoB economists.
(August 25, 2009) breaking news . . . Dakhlia to Take Leave of Absence during Spring 2010 HATTIESBURG – has learned that CoB associate professor of economics, Sami Dakhlia (pictured below), will be taking a leave of absence during Spring Semester 2010 in order to teach abroad. Though many of the details of this assignment are still being put together and evaluated by, reporters have learned that Dakhlia’s leave of absence was approved weeks ago.
(August 26, 2009) CoB News, 26 August 2009 All Dakhlia, All the Time In what sources called a highly anticipated move, CoB associate professor of economics penned a letter to the editor of The Student Printz (on 25-Aug-09) regarding the elimination of the economics programs. That letter appears below:
(September 3, 2009) Dr. Dakhlia and “the Facts” How the Move of ECO to CoAL Continues to Cause Friction Judging by the online responses being left to Meryl Dakin’s 2-Sept-09 story for The Student Printz entitled “Economics department dodges cut,” the forthcoming reception of the ECOers over in the CoAL will likely be somewhat icy, even though the merger is scheduled for balmy 1-July-10. Those comments began with a passage from “cleetus,” who noted that the way Dakin’s article was written did little to inspire confidence in the idea that everything was out in the open. Those comments are inserted below.
(September 8, 2009) GH Chatter According to some of the recent chatter, CoB associate professor of economics Sami Dakhlia has targeted, in some way, no fewer than 5 USM administrators in recent weeks and months. Regular readers of will recognize Dakhlia as one of the more vocal leaders in the economistsf efforts to retain their tenured/tenure]track positions in the face of USMfs desire to trim $8.5 million from its budget.
(September 10, 2009) 31st & Pearl On Borrowed Chatter In case you hadn’t noticed already,’s GH Chatter series has been on overdrive lately, all in an effort to stay on top of the stories circulating about the CoB’s economists.
(September 11, 2009) How Good are the CoB Economists? A Look Back Across the Recession and Financial Crisis for Answers By now readers are well aware that USM notified its constituencies back in August-2009 that the institution was seriously considering eliminating all of its b-school economics majors and the 9 tenured/tenure-track faculty who accompany and service them. That decision, we were told, was the result of the economic fallout from the recession that has hammered Mississippi and the rest of the country for some time. USM began implementing multi-million budget cuts back in the fall of 2009, and is expected to face cuts of up to $12 million over the next few months.