For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Carter, please click here.
(March 25, 2010) Guess who is Scrambling for a Vacated ECO Line A Guest Column by Susan Greene-Lewis The ink is barely dry on reports that the CoB’s Sami Dakhlia, associate professor of economics, is leaving USM for a university in France and already there is a race to recycle his salary line. Or is it former CoB ECO faculty Deniz Gevrek’s old line some want? In terms of specifics, it doesn’t really matter at all – there’s money in the trough and the usual, old resource hogs are lining up to get at it.
(April 6, 2010) 31st & Pearl CoB Stimulus Package Something CoB dean Lance Nail perhaps failed to properly account for when ousting the CoB’s economics faculty is the combination of their low cost and wide applicability. Under previous b-school deans, the economists were covering undergraduate and graduate economics courses, undergraduate and graduate statistics courses, and undergraduate international business courses. In fact, this was also happening during the early (2008-10) portion of Nail’s current reign. To top this all off, the CoB could, and still can, acquire economists for only 70-something thousand dollars apiece.
(April 8, 2010) GTL Baby! A Guest Editorial by Victoria Tyler Some people are famous for famously doing nothing. Such is the case with the cast of one of America’s hottest reality television shows, Jersey Shore (see insert below). Their rise to famously doing nothing has even added to the American urban lexicon, via the initials “GTL,” which stand for “Gym, Tan & Laundry.” To hear these Jersey “Guidos” and “Guidettes” explain it, their day typically consists of waking up and going to the gym to work out (G=Gym), then heading to the tanning bed (T=Tan), and finishing up by doing laundry (L=Laundry). Of course, the nights are reserved for partying.
(April 14, 2010) 31st & Pearl Doty was Duped . . . What is Nail’s Excuse? Regular readers of should visit the site’s Archives from time to time. I was just there recently, looking back at The Past 30 Years, a report submitted by a reader about one of the ugliest episodes in recent CoB history.
(April 15, 2010) Two Peas, One Pod Examining the USM Departures of Edward Nissan and George Carter As the CoB’s economists depart the Joseph Greene Hall stage at the end of the 2009-10 academic year, will be examining the research credentials that will be leaving the CoB, if not the institution as a whole. This installment focuses on professors Edward Nissan and George Carter, who are two of the five mostly senior CoB economists who were forced into retirement by USM during budget-cutting exercises that took place back in the fall of 2009. What will the CoB (USM) lose with these departures? On the research front, Table 1 and Table 2 below provide an answer.
(April 21, 2010) Retirees What will the economist retirees do once they depart in June? Here are some thoughts: George Carter – George has his military retirement, social security, and now his state retirement, so money is probably not an issue. If he wants to stay active in some way, he can continue his consulting business (as an expert witness on economic issues) without running it off of USM premises.