For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Saunders's airplane please click here.
(February 15, 2011) President Saunders Continues to Squander Student and Taxpayer Money on Her Airplane
As reported in PART 1, actual cost per flight hour is $5,971.11. (Please note that when the $907,053.85 balloon payment, which is due at the end of the five year lease, is amortized over the five years of the purchase/lease, the cost per flight hour is $8,910.28.)
(February 16, 2011) 31st & Pearl Academic Cannibalism 101 How many faculty lines must be “cannibalized” so that 25 USM psychology professors can each get a $3,000 salary bump? Thankfully, for USM students at least, the answer is only one, provided, of course, that the line has an administrative stipend attached to it.
(February 21, 2011) President Saunders Continues to Squander Student and Taxpayer Money on Her Airplane PART 6 Dear USM Colleagues, President Saunders has you focused on evaluating each other as if your careers depend on it -- and they do. Try a different path. Evaluate her performance. To continue a one-sided evaluation will never cure a significant problem: USM leadership, including IHL Board Members. Of course, you’ll need to gather facts and exercise a bit of courage to put the facts to good use.
(February 21, 2011) President Saunders Continues to Squander Student and Taxpayer Money on Her Airplane PART 7 December 7, 2010 Pilots Allen and Price flew N777AQ to Louisville, KY. According to USM’s “Interdepartmental Invoice” and USM pilots’ “King Air N777AQ Trip Log” the passenger was Dr. Saunders.
(February 23, 2011) President Saunders Continues to Squander Student and Taxpayer Money on Her Airplane PART 8 December 20-22, 2010 Pilots Allen and Price flew N777AQ from Hattiesburg, MS to St. Petersburg, FL and back. According to USM’s “Interdepartmental Invoice” the passengers were Dr. Saunders and her husband, Joe Bailey, Mississippi State Senator Doug Davis, Institutions of Higher Learning Member Doug Rouse and his wife, Pam Rouse, and Jackson attorney Troy Johnson. USM pilots’ “King Air N777AQ Trip Log” listed an additional passenger, C. Driskell, Executive Assistant to President Saunders for External Affairs.
(February 23, 2011) President Saunders Continues to Squander Student and Taxpayer Money on Her Airplane PART 9 September 8, 2010 Pilots Allen and Price flew N777AQ from Hattiesburg, MS to Columbus, MS and back. According to USM’s “Interdepartmental Invoice” the passengers were USM President Martha Saunders, USM Vice President for Student Affairs Joe Paul, and Dean of the Honors College David Davies.