(February 3, 2011) Taxpayers Burned Reporting on the “. . . Told You So” USM Plane Incidentals The recent USMNEWS.net report entitled “Keeping the Home Fires Burning” details the 15-Sept-2010 trip to Atlanta made by USM president Martha Saunders and her husband, Joe Bailey. That trip was to attend a play written and produced by a(n unnamed) USM alum. USM’s Airplane Operations auxiliary charged Saunders’ USM office $2,320 (see insert below, and linked report above) for what seemed to be a pleasure trip for Saunders and her husband.

For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Saunders's airplane please click here.
(February 6, 2011) Everything is on the Table . . . . . . except my airplane. I “made” the money for the lease-purchase by cutting administrators when I got here. I know that every other item does not count like that in the budget, but surely the President has some privileges. The airplane is for essential University travel; that term is defined solely by me.
(February 8, 2011) Dear usmnews.net: Following in the RATR tradition, have you heard anything about [President Martha] Saunders planning to upgrade the airplane so she will have faster trips and greater range? Thanks.
(February 8, 2011) How Much? How Long? by Duane Cobb “Maybe if . . . they knew better than to blow millions of dollars on a pointless wall in front of campus . . . maybe if they don’t own a jet, maybe then I would have an inkling of respect for the administrative bullshit that we call the leadership of USM.” – USM student Floyd Maseda, TSP interview, 31-August-2010 The USM Remittance Voucher below covers just one month, Aug-2010, of USM’s lease of the Beechcraft King Air that president Martha Saunders uses so liberally. The invoice amount is an astonishing $16,428.40. This amount is paid once a month, every month. Each time, this sum is no longer available to support USM academic programs, or USM faculty members.
(February 8, 2011) The Sting Didn’t Mean a Thing More on Saunders’ Taxpayer-Subsidized ‘Date Night’ with Bailey The USMNEWS.net report entitled, Keeping the Home Fires Burning, provides documentation indicating that USM president Martha Saunders and her husband Joe Bailey had a date-night of sorts on 15-Sept-2010. That day they travelled by USM plane from Hattiesburg to Atlanta, reportedly in order to catch a play that was written and produced by a prominent USM alumnus.